How to re-adjust at work post delivery

     Going back to work after a long vacation is never an easy thing, and going back in after being on maternity leave for four months is definitely not a piece of cake! It does require a bit of adjustments to make. Some women face a smooth re-entry into the labor force,  and find the transition from a working wife to a full-time working new mom rather acceptable, while others don't adjust that well immediately.
     Personally, I was excited to get back to work after my four-month maternity leave (seventy days maternity leave, actually, and a two-month summer vacation, consecutively), as I found it a way to lift my mood and relieve me from my postpartum blues.
     If you're a new mom and want to go back to your job after you've had your maternity leave, know that there are a few things you need to consider, as well as a few resources to keep at hand. And don't forget to bring in a bright mood and vibrant, energetic personality to be able to handle your job just as well as you had done previously.
      Here are my steps to having a smooth re-entry to work. I have to admit, it took me a while to discover them; it did require a bit of trial and error for me, but thankfully, I managed to go by these steps eventually, and I did great. I hope they can be of benefit to you. 

1- Know where you'll keep the baby. Make sure he or she's in safe hands. If you're keeping him or her at a nursery, check the hygiene and safety of the place, as well as the amount and quality of care he or she will receive. 

2- Agree with your partner on who's going to drop the baby off in the morning. That would depend on your job's location, as well as who has more time in the morning. Dropping him off at my mother's was not easy for me, as I was always late to work since I had to get myself and the baby ready. I never managed to get to work on time. Eventually, my mom offered to pick him up early in the morning. 

3- Pack yours and the baby's things the night before. Have doubles to save time. By this I mean have extra diapers, clothes, and feeding bottles at your mom's or at the nursery, if possible. This way, you won't have to spend time packing for the baby. 

4- Pre-cook meals in the weekend and keep them in the freezer. That will save you time in the afternoon. 

5- Video call to see and speak with your baby during the day, if possible. This will keep your mind at ease and put you in a good mood to be able to continue the day at work. 

6- Make sure to finish your work during your free time so that you don't have to bring it in with you in the afternoon. Keep your work outside the home as much as possible, and leave your off-work hours to your family or yourself.

7- During your breaks, socialize with your colleagues. This will reduce on-the-job stress.

8- Spend some quality time with your baby when you get home. Feed him or her, play together, and read him or her a book. Whatever you can do to bond, then do it. 

9- Don't forget to give some time to your partner. Talk to each other, have a good laugh, watch t.v., or prepare a meal together. Revitalize your relationship.

10- Have a good night's sleep. You need to be refreshed in the morning and energetic during the day.

Have you had an easy time adjusting at work after delivering? What did you do to make your re-entry easy? 
